The Church School Program Year runs from September 8th, 2024 – June 1st, 2025
We meet on Sundays during/after the 10am service.
We serve children aged 3-18 years old with in-person classes on Sundays. The Church School programming is supported by the generous pledges of our members and there is no cost to attend.
All of our volunteers are CORI checked and complete Safe Church Training.
If you would like to join us, we would love to have you!! Email the Director of Religious Education, Laura Marshall, at churchschool@allsaintschelmsford.org to learn more and get connected.
Register for the 2024/2025 Church School Year HERE:
On normal Sunday mornings, our Church School programs meet from 10am to the Peace:
Discover Class (pre-K) A gentle time for play, prayer, stories and art. They meet in the Nursery space. Twice a month they will be visited by special “story time and song” teachers. The Nursery is staffed every Sunday. The Discover Class/Nursery is located at the bottom of the Narthex stairs.
Explore Class (K-2nd) This is an energetic and engaging class where kids will hear the stories of our faith, learn about prayer, and be part of a caring community. The class uses multiple medias for telling the stories- from videos to felt- we share the bible. They will also process the stories with crafts, art and play. The Explore Class is located in the Downstairs Meeting Room.
Wonder Class: (3-4th) Godly Play curriculum: the stories, traditions and prayers of our faith shared with wonder and grace. In this class, Storytellers follow the wondering of students, inviting them into a deeper understanding of our faith. “Godly Play is based on the understanding of children’s innate sense of the presence of God. Its approach helps children explore their faith through story, to gain religious language, and to enhance their spiritual experience though wonder and play. ” The Wonder Class is located in the classroom off the Parish Hall.
Weavers Class (5-7th grade): This year the Weavers Class will be using the book, My Faith My Life: A Teen’s Guide to the Episcopal Church, by Jenifer Gamber. They will be meeting during the service, which is a change from past years. The focus of class this year will be to provide the youth with the tenets of the Episcopal faith, to empower them on their journey with God. The Weavers class will be attending an Overnight at the Barbara C Harris Camp on Nov. 15th-16th. Class members will be getting more information about this. The Weavers Class is located in the Grotto (the basement of the Chapel).
Youth Group (8th-12th grade): The Youth Group at All Saints’ is open to all youth. The youth group meets most Sundays after the 10am service. Their time is spent on fun, faith and service projects. This group is committed to being an open and supportive community for all.
The basic schedule of church school classes is that the first Sunday of the month is an “All Together Sunday”- where there is no church school classes, as we all gather to worship together, followed by service or fun as a parish. The last Sunday of the month is typically Youth Chapel service, where all the classes work together to worship in the Chapel. On those Sundays we join the parish before communion. Those Sundays are followed by All Growing Events for kids and adults.
We have exciting events planned: The Fall Carnival, The Halloween Party, Christmas Pageant, Advent Food Drive, Live Action Game Nights for all the kids, Christmas Stories for the Little Ones, Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, Lenten Pretzels, Palm Sunday Art, Easter Egg Hunt, Spring Games, Strawberry Shortcake Festival, Church School Sunday and Summer Mystery Club.
View our Detailed Church School Calendar of Classes and Events:
Program-Year-2024-2025-Church-School-Calendar-3WHAT’S NEW THIS YEAR?
The Church School Program for the year 2024- 2025 is full of exciting plans. Here are some of them:


Flat Jesus Fun! Download one of these files and print Jesus out for your child to cut out and color! Then take photos and keep a journal of Flat Jesus time in your family...email it to me at churchschool@allsaintschelmsford.org. each week by Friday to be part of Sunday’s short video, “Flat Jesus is With Us.”
We have three options for Jesus:
Check out Flat Jesus among us!
Click here for a breakdown of each day of Holy Week and Easter…crafts and coloring pages, simple worship ideas for the home…
Resources for Families for Holy Week and Easter at Home
Maundy Thursday at Home
Good Friday Stations of the Cross Live Worship
6:45pm room open/ 7pm service. See Sunday’s email with the subject line; “Holy Week Service and Prayer through ZOOM” for zoom link…here is the Order of Service: