ll Saints’ is a member of the Chelmsford/Lowell Cluster of the Refugee Immigration Ministry (RIM). RIM was founded in 1986 as an interfaith ministry and at this time members of many faith groups are working in their communities with refugees, asylum seekers and immigrants to help them become at home in their new country and productive members of that society.
At this time, the Chelmsford/Lowell cluster is working with a mother and three sons from Uganda and a newly arrived woman from Guatemala who was tortured by gang members. Assistance is needed with transportation to appointments, shopping, groceries, clothing, and socialization. Financial assistance is gratefully welcomed to assist with rent and other necessities.
NEW: Help support the RIM ministry with one of these upcoming fundraisers:*
- RIM Music of Hope Concert, May 23, 2021, 7:00 pm. Click here for more information.
- 5K Your Way: The 2021 Annual RIM Walk for Refugees, June 20-30, 2021. Click here to register or to learn more.
*All donations to RIM should have the designation “Chelmsford/Lowell Cluster” to avoid going to the general administrative fund.
For more information, please visit the “Contact Us” form and select “Church Office.”