The Ramps for Neighbors ministry (RfN) is managed by the Stone Soup Outreach Team at All Saints.  The various tasks are divided into three categories: Logistics, Grants, and Building – with a separate team responsible for each category.


The logistics functions are handled by the Stone soup team itself, with the addition of other parishioners as needed.  This team handles the following tasks:

  • Planning and holding fundraising events
  • Communicating about RfN with the parish and the wider community
  • Providing snacks and lunches at the build site


While the first ramps will be built with money raised from fundraising events (and some supplied by the vestry), the long term plan is to finance each ramp project entirely through grants.  There is a Grants team working towards this goal by:

  • Identifying granting organizations 
  • Researching the grant requirements and schedule for each organization
  • Putting together materials (such as a brochure) to be used in grant applications
  • Writing grant applications for each organization
  • Communicating with the granting organizations regarding our applications


There is a core group that does the up-front building-related tasks.  They pull in a wide variety of volunteers to handle the tasks related to running the build itself.  (Note that ramps must generally meet Massachusetts 521 CMR code. How closely they must adhere to this code is determined by the Building Department in the town where the ramp is built.) This group is responsible for the following tasks:

  • Finding qualified homeowners
  • Developing plans for each ramp.
  • Working with town Building Departments and pulling building permits
  • Enlisting partners to supply low cost building materials
  • Purchasing, storing, and transporting building materials
  • Organizing each build day and building the ramps

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