Welcome!  Whoever you are, wherever you are on your journey of faith, Come.


Newcomers are always welcome to All Saints’ Church. The best way to get to know us? Come to a service. During the service, take a minute to fill out a card located in the pew and drop it into the collection plate.

Please feel free to browse our website for additional information. In particular, information on the Episcopal Church and details below may be helpful to you. We welcome all interested people at our worship services and other parish activities.

Who We Are

All Saints’ Church is a community of people living in Chelmsford, Greater Lowell and beyond who gather to worship God.  We cherish the Episcopal tradition.  We provide opportunities for members to discover, share and use their gifts, gratefully acknowledging God as the source of all we have.  Through Jesus Christ and in unity with the Holy Spirit, we seek renewal and growth as people of faith and as a Christian community as we worship God our Creator, are formed in our faith, and join God in God’s mission of reconciling love, serving both those in this place and those in the world outside our walls.

Statement of Inclusion
All Saints’ Episcopal Church welcomes all people who seek the love of God without regard to ability, age, color, economic circumstance, ethnic background, family configuration, gender, nationality, or sexual orientation. We promise “to seek and to serve Christ in all persons … strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being.”

Worship Schedule

8:00 a.m.  Holy Eucharist, no music
9:45 a.m.  Children’s Church School
10:00 a.m.  Holy Eucharist with music
      Summer 9:00 a.m.  Holy Eucharist with music

11:20-noon Upper Church School Classes

8:00 a.m. Online Morning Prayer

12:00 p.m. Holy Eucharist, no music, service held in the Chapel

What to Expect

How has COVID-19 affected worship, service, and engagement offerings?
All Saints’ is following the recommendations of our diocese, county, and state elected officials during the COVID-19 pandemic. As a way to share God’s love with the most vulnerable among us, the Diocese of Massachusetts is requiring all worshipers to wear masks. We are taking care of each other in this small way and we appreciate your support of this loving practice.
Sunday morning services are offered in many formats:
1. Sunday in person service at 8:00 and 10:00 AM. Refer to the service schedule here.
2. Sunday online service live stream through YouTube. Available at 10:00 AM. Visit All Saints’ YouTube Channel.
3. TV broadcast via Chelmsford TeleMedia on Comcast Channel 8 or Verizon Channel 38. Sunday at 5 PM; one week delay.

How to stay updated as to what is happening?
Sign up for the E-Bulletin, an electronic version of the Sunday Bulletin sent out via Email once a week. Use this subscription link to enroll .

How long are worship services?
The Sunday 8:00 AM service is about 45 mintues long, the 10:00 AM services is approximately 1 hour 15 mintues in length, and the Wednesday noon service is about 20 minutes long.

May I bring my children to a worship service? / What kind of programs do you have for children?
Children are ALWAYS welcome at All Saints’. Children can join their parents at the service or attend church school during service.

Church School:We offer Sunday school each Sunday from September through June for grades Pre-K through 12th grade. Parents are welcome to join their children or attend service while their children are in church school. Feel free to ask a greeter to take you to the appropriate classroom. Refer to more details here Church School .

We offer a monthly family of young children service at 4:30 Sunday evening. Look here for detailed service.

Babies & Toddlers:
We offer a nursery through the doors directly behind the sanctuary for children who need a place to spend time when they need a break from the service. The service is piped in over a radio frequency so caregivers can follow along. It is run by one paid staff person and a rotation of parent volunteers.

Kits for Children: Kits with paper and crayons for children are available from the greeters or ushers in the Narthex (space just inside the main entrance). The crayons and paper can be used during the service and returned to the Narthex at the end of church.

Is there parking available?
>Yes, All Saints’ has a parking lot next to the church on the left-hand side.

>Entrance is always via the parking lot. You can also exit from the parking lot.

>The right-hand side driveway is exit only.

>Handicapped parking is available in the parking lot and behind the building.

>The driveway in front of the church is one way from the parking lot.

>Parking on the right side of the front driveway is for the handicapped or families with small children.

>Additional parking is in the back and on the left side of the side driveway.

>There is also ample free parking across the street.

Handicap parking: There is handicap parking in the main parking lot, in the back of the church, and on the left side (drive behind the church to the ramp). Folks may also park directly in front of the church on the right side of the driveway. Always enter via the parking lot.

Elevator: There is an elevator that will take you from the Sanctuary down to the classrooms and then down to the Parish Hall. The directions are taped on the elevator control panel.

Handicap seating: There is seating at the front left hand side of the church, near the side entrance close to the elevator.

Large-print Prayer Books:
The Book of Common Prayer is available in large print for those with vision impairments. Please see an usher or greeter for assistance.

Hearing assistance:
The service is broadcast over a short range radio frequency. You can bring your own radio and earbuds or borrow one – just ask an usher for assistance.

There are two sets of restrooms. One is at the bottom of the stairs from the Narthex (space just inside the main entrance). The other is in the connecting link between the main church and the Parish Hall. The bathrooms are accessible for those in wheelchairs and offer changing tables.

What should I wear?
You may wear whatever you feel comfortable in to worship. Some worshipers dress up for church, some wear jeans and a t-shirt. It really doesn’t matter. What matters is that you feel comfortable.

Do I have to be an Episcopalian to attend?
You do not need to be an Episcopalian to attend All Saints’. We welcome everyone regardless of their beliefs. Our hope is that you leave our services enriched and refreshed.

What books are used during the service?
The service and bible readings are listed in the Sunday bulletin given out upon entry.

The Book of Common Prayer: This is the red book found in your pew. It contains all the words for the service and the page numbers are listed in your bulletin.

The Hymnal: This is the blue book found in your pew. It contains songs for the service and page numbers are listed in your bulletin and on the front boards on either side of the altar. Songs with an “S” before them are service music and are found in the very front of the hymnal.

Lift Every Voice and Sing: This is the black and red book found in your pew. Songs are listed in the bulletin and on the front boards as LEVAS or “L” and a number.

Who can receive communion?
Anyone! Whoever you are, wherever you are on your journey of faith, you are welcome to receive the communion of Christ at All Saints’ Church. If you prefer not to receive, you can come forward for a blessing. If you do choose to receive, you can take just the bread, or bread and wine. Gluten free wafers are available. Wine can be sipped directly from the chalice, or the bread can be dipped into the wine and then consumed. *Currently only bread is being offered during this time of COVID-19.

I grew up Catholic. What should I expect?
Services are very similar to what you grew up with except we have women priests and married priests. Another difference is that all people are welcome to receive communion. You will see some people genuflecting and/or crossing themselves during the service, and some not. We do have confession, but it is not required to take communion. Please do what you are comfortable with. Our church governance is a little different, and we encourage you to take a class to find out more about the Anglican/ Episcopal history and polity.


Want to have a conversation about life at All Saints’ Church? Contact us using the form located here. Or call (978)256-5673 and a staff member will be back in touch promptly.

 Parish Staff Directory
The Reverend Sean Maloney, Rector
frsean at allsaintschelmsford.org

Maggie Marshall, Interim Organist and Choirmaster
Debbie Psilopoulos, Handbell Choir Director
Rohini Pola, Parish Administrator
Laura Marshall, Director of Religious Education

Parish Office Hours at 10 Billerica Road, Chelmsford, MA
Tuesday – Friday
9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Find us on Facebook

 A note on the Welcome art
The figure of Jesus on the cover of this brochure is a mosaic of the stained glass window in our sanctuary, comprised of tiny photographs of people engaged in various parish activities. It was created by parishioner Steve Grillo.