Service to one another is an expression of God’s love.

The expression of God’s love through service happens in many ways at All Saints’ Church. We serve both outside and within our parish. Find a small group to grow with and/or an opportunity to give back to your community through service and connection.

We believe our lives are a gift.  What we do with them, with love, joy and prayer, is a reflection of our values and faith.  We believe this applies to caring for family, creating art, tending to and appreciating nature, working, sharing time with others, worshiping and many other activities.  The most rewarding activities are often those that we share with others.  There are quite a few opportunities to connect with groups at All Saints’.  Find a small group to grow with and/or an opportunity to give back to your community through service and connection.

If you are interested in any of these or have questions, please Contact Us.

Parish Groups / Activities List

(This list is always changing.  Please send edits to Brian Hunter.)

Group Description Contact
Acolytes Acolytes serve during the liturgy by carrying the processional crosses, torches, and banners. Acolytes light and extinguish candles, serve the celebrant at the altar, take part in the Gospel Procession, hand off the offering plates, and assist with purificators and the flagon. Bob Andrews
Adult Choir All Saints’ adult choir during services and sometimes beyond. Dr. John Carlo Pierce
Adult Formation Adult Education seeks to provide a variety of opportunities for deepening our understanding of our Christian heritage, for nurturing ourselves and our families, and for growing together as Christians. Rev. Sean Maloney
Altar Guild Altar Guild works behind the scenes caring for the sacred vessels and linens, securing the necessary articles to be used at every service, and cleaning the altar areas. Linda Coles
Angel Tree Angel Tree provides gifts for children in the name of the parent in prison. Darren, Debbie, Addison & Benjamin Collins
B-SAFE Program Bishop’s Summer Academic & Fun Enrichment (B-SAFE) runs for five summer weeks at six different Episcopal church sites in Boston.  We spend one to two days each year purchasing/preparing lunches, delivering and serving at the Epiphany School in Dorchester. Ann Ludlow
“B” Sharp Choir All Saints’ Junior Choir Dr. John Carlo Pierce
Bell Choir Our Handbell Choir consists of 10-11 devoted, enthusiastic volunteer ringers.  The Bell Choir participates in Sunday worship services once or twice a month, on holidays, plus special parish events such as Lessons & Carols. Debbie Psilopoulos
Building and Grounds Building and Grounds has overall responsibility for the facilities. That includes overseeing the budget, maintenance, repair and rental of our buildings.  Mike Condor
Chalicist Administers the chalice during communion Michael O’Laughlin
Chelmsford Food Pantry All Saints’ Church has been a contributor to the Chelmsford Community Exchange Food pantry for many years. Melissa Thompson
Church School All Saints’ Church School offers a safe, supportive, and loving environment for all children to practice our faith, wonder about the kingdom of God, and care for our neighbors as ourselves and experience the grace of God’s love together. Laura Marshall
Church School Outreach Church School Outreach Laura Marshall
Deanery Delegates Deanery Delegates Joan Thomas, Andrew Barry, Dan Wilson
Diocesan Convention Delegates Diocesan Convention Delegates Dave Kuzara, Lynne McSheehy, Laura Marshall
Disco Penguins Children’s choir Dr. John Carlo Pierce
Endowment Committee Endowment Fund’s purpose is to enable the Parish to fulfill its mission more completely by developing its ministries beyond what is possible through its annual operating funds. Steve Marshall
Food For Friends Feeding Program Food for Friends supports St. Paul’s Soup Kitchen in Lowell.  16 area congregations serve over 100 people each weekday evening.  Our four teams serve once a month on the second Wednesday. Paul Blount
Fourth of July Booth Fourth of July Booth Laura Barry, Katie LaRochelle
Gardeners Gardeners  
Greeters Greeters welcome each person coming through the door and answer any questions visitors may have.  Greeters also provide welcome materials and facilitate introductions to the clergy and Director of Religious Education as appropriate. Katie LaRochelle
Groundskeepers Lawn Maintenance, and snow shoveling/ snow blowing group Dan Wilson
Gingerbread Village The Gingerbread Village & Marketplace Laura Barry, Rohini Pola
Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs) Liturgical Ministers serve as Lectors, Chalice Bearers and Litanists at worship services throughout
the year.
Michael O’Laughlin
Lectors Read the lessons. Michael O’Laughlin
Live Stream Team Live Stream Team records and shares services online and with local TV. Brian Hunter
Living Stones The mission of the Living Stones campaign is to make capital improvements to our beautiful church building.  
Nomination Committee Nominating Committee nominates candidates for election to various offices and positions in the Parish, including the Vestry and diocese convention delegates. Joan Thomas, Holly Swan, Dave Weller-Fahy
Online Morning Prayer A group that meets each Wednesday morning from 8:00 am to 8:30 am for morning prayer using Zoom.   Laura Marshall
Outreach/Stone Soup All Saints’ mission to reach out to the surrounding community.

Janet Ceaser

Parish Life Parish Life plans and organizes a variety of fun events that enable the members of the Parish community to come to together to get to know one another better. Tricia Mescall, Linda Ouellette, Lois Freeman
Pastoral Care Pastoral Care includes friends calling other church friends. Folks calling people on the prayer list. Others calling to check in on people as the spirit moved them. This is a reminder of the Christian love that is so strong in our community. Maggie Marshall
Prayer Ministry Team Prayer Ministry Team prays for concerns shared directly with the group or through Pastoral Care.  In contrast to the  public prayer list, prayer requests shared with the prayer ministry group are kept absolutely confidential. Amy Hunter
Prison Ministry Prison Ministries includes Angel Tree (above) and On two Sundays in November working with the congregation and the Church School to make holiday cards and gather toiletries for inmates of the prison at Concord. Janet Ceaser
Quilters Quilters  
Refuge Immigration Ministry (RIM) RIM provides community-based support to asylum seekers. This not only helps the clients to adapt to and integrate into their new communities, but it also enriches the volunteers who work with them. Janet Ceaser
Shawl Makers Shawl Makers  
Stewardship Committee Stewardship Committee is about caring for something precious, sustaining it, ensuring that it is around for generations to come. We see stewardship as a thankful responsibility to God and God’s work in the world.  We support understanding giving and the Vestry’s budgeting process. Laura Barry
Summer Mystery Club Summer program for all youth. Laura Marshall
Tech Guild Tech Guild monitors and coordinates all technology areas at All Saints’. Dave Weller-Fahy
Ushers Guide people to pews, perform various duties to support the service. Steve Sullivan
Vestry Vestry is an elected group responsible for budget and supporting clergy  direct and maintain All Jennifer Dowd
West Virginia Workcamp West Virginia Workcamp is an outreach activity for high school youth and adults.  We send volunteers to the Cabell-Lincoln Workcamp in the Appalachian Mountains of West Virginia and join other groups from the eastern US to make the homes of needy people in the area warm,
safe and dry. 
Dave Kuzara
Worship Commission Worship Commission coordinates all service related groups. Fr. Sean Maloney