Mission Statement:

To support members of ASC in living out our promise to care for God’s Creation.

We will:

  1. Be a resource for climate action (as defined below) for others
  2. Help to reduce All Saints’ carbon footprint
  3. Educate to raise climate awareness and connection to nature
  4. Connect All Saints’ to other climate action groups 
  5. Recognize that climate issues disproportionately affect disadvantaged communities

Action Plan:

In order to fulfill our Mission we aim to:

  1. Be a resource for climate action (as defined above) for others.
  • Do research and provide information to the congregation on reducing one’s own carbon footprint
  • Create an informational webpage focused on Climate Action
  • Try out carbon reduction techniques and report on them
  • Create a Climate Action Fund
  1. Help to reduce All Saints’ carbon footprint.
  • Investigating ways to reduce the carbon footprint of the church. (Define carbon footprint for us? )
  • Push to move DIT funds to climate friendly investments (carbon neutral funds, etc.).
  • Investigate climate friendliness of Enterprise Bank (what do they invest in?)
  1. Educate about climate awareness and improved connection to nature
  • Engage the church school in Creation focused programs
  • Take groups on nature hikes.
  1. Connect All Saints’ to other climate action groups 
  • Chelmsford Climate Action Committee
  • Elders Climate Action
  • Chelmsford Open Space Committee
  • Other churches in town
  1. Recognize that climate issues disproportionately affect disadvantaged communities.

Team Info:

  • Team meets at 7pm on the first Wednesday of each month from October to June.
  • Meetings are held over Zoom.
  • The Creation Care web pages are on the All Saints web site under Ministries–>Creation Care.

Team Members:

Dave Kuzara
Laura Barry
Libby Maynard
Lisa Condor
Marcia Herlihy
Betsy Eisenmann

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