Creation Care is a lay ministry dedicated to preserving and celebrating God’s creation. We are a group of people seeking to give parishioners opportunities to connect with nature and options for reducing their own carbon footprint. We also advise the vestry on ways that All Saints’ Church, as a whole, can reduce its impact on the environment.

If you are interested in joining us please contact: Dave Kuzara, Laura Barry, or Libby Maynard.
You can also reach out to us using the Contact Us form and selecting ‘church office’.
Watch the Upcoming Events page (below) and the ebulletin for info about upcoming Creation Care activities!
Creation Care Overview
Our mission, plans, meeting schedule, and team members. (Click heading or here for details.)
Upcoming Events
Climate happenings at All Saints and locally (Click heading or here for details.)
Answer Center
Answers to your questions on recycling and reducing energy use.
Tips from parishioners and reflections on their experiences in climate stewardship.
(Click heading or here for details.)
Climate programs and rebates you can make use of.
Links to other climate web sites and organizations.