May 2015 Church School Newsletter
Read all about it! May’s Church School Newsletter has arrived! Please click the link below to see all the exciting events taking place in our Church School classrooms this month. Enjoy! May 2015 Newsletter
Read all about it! May’s Church School Newsletter has arrived! Please click the link below to see all the exciting events taking place in our Church School classrooms this month. Enjoy! May 2015 Newsletter
Why do you think that Jesus taught in parables? Do parables induce you to ask new questions? Do parables too oft repeated lose their edge? Come and join the discussion this Sunday, led by Harry Taplin.
Sermon Easter 5 May 3, 2015 William Bradbury Acts 8:26-40 Psalm 22:24-30 1 John 4:7-21 John 15:1-8 So how will we understand this passage I’ve just read about the true vine, the vinegrower, and the branches that Jesus tells at the Last Supper? We will understand it according to the...
The British ARE coming! As many of you know, All Saints’ has hosted musical visitors three times from St. Peter’s Collegiate School, in Wolverhampton, England. If you are wondering how to spend next February vacation, worry no more – I have just the solution for you – open your homes...
Friends, I will be attending diocesan clergy conference this week so there will be no noon Eucharist on Wednesday, April 29. Easter Blessings, Bill
Sermon Easter 3 April 19, 2015 William Bradbury Acts 3:12-19 Psalm 4 1 John 3:1-7 Luke 24:36b-48 Have you ever wondered why in the stories of the resurrection the angels at the empty tomb keep saying “Do not be afraid” and the risen Jesus in the upper room keeps saying,...
This Sunday Bill will examine how the simple detail of a charcoal fire in the story of Jesus’ passion and resurrection can open us up to the power of the gospel.
Sermon Easter 2 April 12, 2015 William Bradbury 8 AM 10 AM Acts 4:32-35 Matthew 28:1-8 Psalm 133 John 20: 13-18 1 John 1:1-2:2 Luke 24:36-43 John 20:19-31 John 20:29-29 The pomp and circumstance are gone—as are the crowds. On Easter in the south we’d have the children bring...
Alleluia! Christ is Risen! We are so excited to welcome the Risen Lord, and hopefully to welcome springtime, as well! Please check out our April edition of the Church School Newsletter to read about all our exciting activities this month. There is also a “Save the Date” section with important...
Sermon Easter Day—Year B April 5, 2015 William Bradbury Acts 10:34-43 Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 John 20:1-18 The gospel today begins with tears in the dark at a tomb, not a promising start for good news. We’ve all been there: On most trips to Atlanta I visit...