Sunday Forum for December 21

On 12/21, Rev. Bill Bradbury will lead a forum about Mary. We call her “the mother of Jesus”. The ancient church called her the “Mother of God”. Let’s look at Mary and see if there is more to learn about this woman who said “yes” to God. There will be...

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Upcoming Sunday Forums

The forum for November 30, led by Rev. Bill Bradbury, kicks off the season of Advent. Advent means coming. We generally focus on Jesus’ first coming but today we’ll look at the Second Coming through the eyes of St Paul, whose teaching may surprise us.

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Sunday Forum 11/2

On November 2, Cina Barker will lead a conversation about saints.  What is a saint?  What do we mean when we say someone is a saint?  What qualities does that imply?  Have you known a saint?  Join us for this timely discussion on All Saints Day.

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Forum Notes–Self-Help Vs God-Help October 19, 2014

FORUM NOTES Self-help to God-help October 19, 2012 William Bradbury  Philippians 2:12, 13  12 Therefore, my beloved, just as you have always obeyed me, not only in my presence, but much more now in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling;13 for it is God who is at...

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Sunday Forums, 10/5 and 10/12

The topic for 10/5 is “Dying and the end of life – A practical chapter”, as a follow-on to Lynne Grillo’s forum discussion on 9/21. Please join us for a practical discussion about dying and the end of life. A representative from Blake Funeral Home (whose founder was a parishioner...

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Sunday Forums, 9/28 and 10/5

The topic for 9/28 is “Practicing the Presence the God”, led by Rev. Bill Bradbury. Everyone knows there is a big difference between sitting in the stands at Gillette Stadium on a Sunday afternoon and actually suiting up and playing in the game. We may not be as clear on...

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Sunday Forum September 21

This week’s topic is “Dying and the end of life – A sacred chapter”, led by Lynne Grillo. Let’s start the conversation about how to talk about our (and our loved one’s end) of life. What if I am seriously ill or dying? What do I really want for medical...

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Forum for April 27

“Is Superman Really Jesus?“, led by Deb Forsberg. He’s been with us for decades – the man of steel. From his first appearance in comics when he was created in 1933 to today, Superman has been learning to live among us, protecting us, and yes even seeing through us.  Could...

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Forum for April 6

Is God’s voice in the wires?  Billy Graham recently said “Technology is a gift from God when it is used to proclaim the gospel.”  Can God’s voice sound like a tweet?  Can God’s work be done in an Internet minute?  Join Matt Hickcox in a discussion about technology and it’s...

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