From the Rector

On Easter Day 2017, All Saints came together to participate in the on-going power of Resurrection in our lives and world. We all know how easy it is to slip into the cynicism that is gripping our country at the moment, so it is a profound act of healing and...

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All Saints’ HABITAT Interfaith Build

 All Saints’ is partnering with other houses of worship to build a home in Westford- The Interfaith Build. Click here to learn all about it, sign up for information, and consider donating. HABITAT Peace, Laura Marshall and Sharon West

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Beautiful video of All Saints’

This video was taken by a local amateur videographer named Damon L. Arcangelo who visited All Saints’. Enjoy. As an amateur photographer, I think he captured an “essence” of All Saints’ that goes back generations, and has a great eye for some of the stunning views in our church. Absolutely beautiful....

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Office hours update

Darlene is now working 20 hours/week, and the office is staffed Tuesday – Friday from 11-3. We thank Diane Olbert for her continued assistance in the office

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Living Stones Capital Campaign

The Living Stones capital campaign has had quite a bit of activity this year! Below you will find details and background information about the campaign and status of projects. Living Stones Campaign Annual Report  

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Daylight Savings Time

                   Reminder! 2016 Daylight Savings Time Begins This Sunday, March 17! Remember to set clocks 1 hr forward

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