Christmas memorial gifts

The poinsettias surrounding the altar on Christmas represent the memorial gifts of parishioners in remembrance of loved ones. You may also donate to the Episcopal Relief and Development Fund or to the ‘In Thanksgiving For’ category that we are adding this year for donations to the Endowment Fund in memory of...

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Church School Notices for Dec. 9th

All Church School Classes are meeting this Sunday. Colors of Christ, Godly Play and Weavers are meeting at their regular time and place. The kids in grades 7-10 will either be helping with the Pageant and need to check in with Elizabeth Danieli in the Colors of Christ room, or...

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Church School Notices for Sunday, Nov. 18th

Church School classes are meeting at their regular times this Sunday. Christmas Fair Fun! Church School Families are asked to donate items to their child’s class raffle basket for the Fair on Dec. 1st! The class themes are: Colors of Christ: Art Supplies! Godly Play: Game Night! Weavers: Animals! Upper School (7-10):...

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What’s Happening for Kids this Week!

All Church School Classes are meeting at their regular times this Sunday: Colors of Christ, Godly Play and Weavers: 9:45am- Peace 7th &8th Grade, 9th & 10th Grade: 11:20-noon. Be sure to pick up the NEW November Church School Newsletter this Sunday! Important information about upcoming events in the church...

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Living Stones Capital Campaign

The Living Stones capital campaign has had quite a bit of activity this year! Click here to read the details and background information about the campaign and status of projects: Living Stones Status

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Video introducing All Saints’

A beautiful video has been made introducing All Saints’, and it’s now available for anyone. Enjoy! Feel free to share it! And many thanks to Patrick Snow of Chelmsford for making this and allowing us to use it.  

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150th year celebration mosaics!

3 new 2017 mosaics are now hanging in the parish hall in celebration of All Saints’ 150th anniversary. Each of them consists of over 5000 individual images that were taken from all sorts of parish life events including services, parties, marriages, and fellowship events throughout the years. I’m fairly certain...

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