Church School Notices for the Week of February 18th
Church School Notices: All classes will meet at their regularly scheduled times and places. Please note: we have a LOT going in the next few weeks- come to the Pancake Supper hosted by our 7th, 8th, 9th & 10th graders- Tuesday, March 5th. See the flyer for more details. Pretzel...
2018 Annual Report and Treasurers Report available
The 2018 All Saints’ Annual Report is here! Please access it via the link below, and please read or even download and print it prior to the annual meeting on Feb. 10th. 2018 Annual Report And the treasurers report is here: 2018 All Saints’ Treasurer’s report
No Church School Sunday, January 20th
Dear Friends- Due to the fairly solid prediction that there will be a significant storm during church school hours this Sunday, I am officially cancelling Church School. There will be no programing offered. Please know that children are always welcomed in the service, if you are planning on attending. We...
Parking reminder
Access is a key part of our inclusion and welcoming at All Saints’. With winter weather upon us, we’d like to remind parishioners of our handicapped parking opportunities. This is especially important in bad weather, but it applies all year. There are several marked handicapped spots near the handicapped ramp...