Sermon–February 16, 2014

Sermon 6 Epiphany—Year A February 16, 2014 William Bradbury  Deuteronomy 30:15-20 or Ecclesiasticus 15:15-20 1 Corinthians 3:1-9 Matthew 5:21-37 Psalm 119:1-8  Last Wednesday when I got home from church I was shown a dead mouse in the basement. Probably safe to say we also have living mice in the basement though...

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Sermon–February 9, 2014

Sermon 5 Epiphany—Year A February 9, 2014 William Bradbury  Isaiah 58:1-9a, (9b-12) 1 Corinthians 2:1-12, (13-16) Matthew 5:13-20 Psalm 112:1-9, (10) Since our move to Boxford in September for the first time in my life I’m living on a road without street lights. I didn’t really notice it until Daylight...

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Sermon–February 2, 2014

Sermon The Presentation February 2, 2014 William Bradbury   Malachi 3:1-4  Hebrews 2:14-18  Luke 2:22-40  Psalm 84 or Psalm 24:7-10 We celebrate The Presentation of Jesus Christ in the Temple because it today is February 2nd. Last week Jesus was a grown man calling disciples and now he is only 40...

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Save The Date

March 29th 6:00PM Join us for an Italian Night Pot Luck Supper. This is a family event. Just bring your favorite lasagna or Italian recipe, or bring a salad or dessert. The Parish life committee will provide beverages and bread.

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Sermon–January 26, 2014

Sermon 3 Epiphany—Year A January 26, 2014 William Bradbury  Isaiah 9:1-4 1 Corinthians 1:10-18 Matthew 4:12-23 Psalm 27:1, 5-13  Back in 2002 I was browsing the magazine racks in a local library in Salisbury, North Carolina and came across what was proclaimed as a picture of Jesus on the cover...

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Sermon–January 19, 2014

Sermon 2 Epiphany—Year A January 19, 2014 William Bradbury  Isaiah 49:1-7 Psalm 40:1-12 1 Corinthians 1:1-9 John 1:29-42  In the South back in the 1970’s lots of cars sported a bumper sticker that said, “Jesus is the answer”.

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Coming soon — parish-wide birthday coffee hour

The Parish Life Committee will be hosting our second annual birthday party celebratory coffee hour on Sunday, April 6th after the 10am service. Please join us for another fun celebration as we recognize birthdays for the entire year.

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Recital and choral evensong

On February 9 at 4p.m., we invite all of you to join us for an organ recital and service of choral evensong. The half hour organ recital, showcasing our organ as a solo instrument, is the prelude to another rich liturgy found in the Anglican church.  Evensong is another term...

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Sermon–January 12, 2014

Sermon 1 Epiphany January 12, 2014 William Bradbury  Isaiah 42:1-9 Acts 10:34-43 Matthew 3:13-17 Psalm 29 I had been an active Episcopalian my whole life yet there I was, a freshman at the University of Georgia sitting in my dorm, praying a conservative evangelical prayer for God to come into...

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