Sermon–Palm Sunday

Sermon Sunday of the Passion April 13, 2014 William Bradbury  The Liturgy of the Palms Matthew 21:1-11  Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29  The Liturgy of the Word Isaiah 50:4-9a  Philippians 2:5-11  Matthew 26:14- 27:66 or Matthew 27-11-54  Psalm 31:9-16  We call it Palm Sunday but its central name is Sunday of the Passion...

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Prayer as First Resort

Prayer as First Resort will meet on Tuesday May 6th (special date) 7:30-8:45 in the Blue Room. We will gather with Rev Bill to talk about icons and the practices with prayer. If you would like to learn more about Prayer as First Resort, please speak to Deb Dutton or Lynne Grillo....

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Potluck and Talent Show Coming!

West Virginia Workcamp Potluck Dinner and Talent Show: This annual event will be held at All Saints’ on Saturday, May 10. We will be hosting our Congregational brothers and sisters. We need three things: 1) people to coordinate the potluck component 2) talent and 3) people to attend and enjoy...

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Sermon–April 6, 2014

Sermon Lent 5—Year A April 6, 2014 William Bradbury Ezekiel 37:1-14  Psalm 130 Romans 8:6-11  John 11:1-45  At our last Lenten program we listened as each person talked about their view of Jesus, and how it had changed over time. We began this discussion looking at how Nadia Bolz-Weber, that...

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We have a new bishop-elect!

Friends in Christ, Our new bishop elect is The Reverend Alan Gates (see bio below). We had some drama when it was discovered there were irregularities in the first ballot, but It didn’t effect the final outcome. I am excited about Alan and look forward to getting to know him better....

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Forum for April 6

Is God’s voice in the wires?  Billy Graham recently said “Technology is a gift from God when it is used to proclaim the gospel.”  Can God’s voice sound like a tweet?  Can God’s work be done in an Internet minute?  Join Matt Hickcox in a discussion about technology and it’s...

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Sermon–March 30, 2014

Sermon Lent 4—Year A March 30, 2014 William Bradbury  1 Samuel 16:1-13  Psalm 23  Ephesians 5:8-14  John 9:1-41   This long story begins with the disciples wondering why this beggar was born blind: did God zap him because his parents sinned and or because in utero he sinned? Today we would...

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Sermon–March 23, 2014

Audio is not available for this sermon. Sermon Lent 3—Year A March 23, 2014 William Bradbury  Exodus 17:1-7 Psalm 95 Romans 5:1-11  John 4:5-42  Last week’s encounter with Nicodemus the insider starts at night. Today’s story with an outsider begins at noon.  Jesus sitting by the well of Jacob is...

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