Sermon–September 14, 2014

Sermon 14 Pentecost—Proper 19-A September 14, 2014 William Bradbury   Exodus 14:19-31 Psalm 114 Romans 14:1-12 Matthew 18:21-35   Every Sunday we say in the Creed: We believe in one baptism for the forgiveness of sins and then, in the Lord’s Prayer, we say “forgive us our sins as we...

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We have a new bishop!

Friends, Last Saturday a great crowd of Episcopalians gathered at the Agganis Center at Boston University to witness and celebrate the consecration of Alan McIntosh Gates as the 16th Bishop of the Diocese of Massachusetts. All Saints’ Choir, led by Maggie Marshall, joined the 640-strong mass choir to lead the...

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Sunday Forum September 21

This week’s topic is “Dying and the end of life – A sacred chapter”, led by Lynne Grillo. Let’s start the conversation about how to talk about our (and our loved one’s end) of life. What if I am seriously ill or dying? What do I really want for medical...

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Church School Fall Planting

All Church School classes will be participating in our Fall Planning event on Sunday, September 28th. This will be a morning full of gardening fun for our students. Parents, please drop your children off in the Parish Hall at 9:45 am. We will break into planting teams and spend our...

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New Adult Ed Opportunity

The Book of Genesis A Kerygma Scripture Exploration Program for Adults Come explore Genesis with us Let us see what new things we can discover together

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Sermon–September 7, 2014

Sermon 13 Pentecost—Proper 18-A September 7, 2014 William Bradbury       Exodus 12:1-14 Psalm 149 Romans 13:8-14 Matthew 18:15-20 Jesus said, “If another member of the church sins against you…” Two weeks ago we looked at the image of the church as living stones built up and held together...

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Call for Acolytes

Acolyte Master Bob Andrews has provided an information sheet describing some of the basics of what it means to serve as an acolyte, age limits, how to get involved, and more. This is now a page on the website. You should always be able to reach that page by selecting...

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A parade of holy fools?

Friends, On September 4th our lectionary remembers Paul Jones, Bishop and Peace Advocate, who in 1918 was forced to resign as Bishop of Utah because of his pacifism in the midst of World War I. Today most people recognize that war was a disaster in which 16 million died to...

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