
Everyone is invited to a Bonfire held by the Parish Life Committee on: Sunday, October 19th 5 PM – 7 PM. Rain date will be Sunday, October 26th. The bonfire is being hosted at the home of Anne Ludlow and David Kuzara 111 Robin Hill Road, Chelmsford Please bring a...

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Sermon–October 12, 2014

Sermon 18 Pentecost—Proper 23-A October 12, 2014 William Bradbury   Exodus 32:1-14 Psalm 106:1-6, 19-23 Philippians 4:1-9 Matthew 22:1-14 Years ago I was talking with a friend of mine, a good ole boy in Augusta, Georgia called Mr. John. He was telling me about a house wiring project he was...

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Sermon–Blessing of the Animals–October 5, 2014

Sermon Creation Care Sunday October 5, 2014 William Bradbury   Genesis 1:20-25 Canticle: A Song of Creation II Romans 8: 18-25 Matthew 6:25-34 Back 13 years ago there was an exceptionally bright boy in my son’s high school class. I asked his mother what it was like to raise such a...

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Church School Newsletter – October 2014

The Church School Council is proud to present our first ever monthly newsletter!  Here you will find updates on our Church School classes, as well as other important information for the month, such as the acolyte schedule, the children’s choir schedule, and a list of important dates.  We hope you...

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Sunday Forums, 10/5 and 10/12

The topic for 10/5 is “Dying and the end of life – A practical chapter”, as a follow-on to Lynne Grillo’s forum discussion on 9/21. Please join us for a practical discussion about dying and the end of life. A representative from Blake Funeral Home (whose founder was a parishioner...

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Sermon–September 28, 2014

Sermon 16 Pentecost—Proper 21-A September 28, 2014 William Bradbury     Exodus 17:1-7 Psalm 78 Philippians 2:1-13 Matthew 21: 23-32    Paul proclaims today:  “…at the name of Jesus every knee should bend, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ...

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Ringers and Singers Needed

From Maggie Marshall, Minister of Music The Handbell Choir is looking for one or two additional adult ringers. The ability to read music is a plus, but not required. Having a good sense of rhythm is a must. This group rehearses on Thursdays from 6:30-7:30, and usually rings twice monthly...

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Sunday Forums, 9/28 and 10/5

The topic for 9/28 is “Practicing the Presence the God”, led by Rev. Bill Bradbury. Everyone knows there is a big difference between sitting in the stands at Gillette Stadium on a Sunday afternoon and actually suiting up and playing in the game. We may not be as clear on...

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Ebola went down to Georgia

September 23, 2014 Dear Friends in Christ, On August 2, 2014 the first American, desperately ill with the Ebola virus, Dr. Kent Brantly, was flown from Africa to Atlanta’s Emory Hospital, about 2 miles from my sister’s home where I had been visiting just the day before. As I watch...

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Sermon–September 21, 2014

Sermon 15 Pentecost—Proper 20-A September 21, 2014 William Bradbury     Exodus 16:2-15 Psalm 105:1-6, 37-45 Philippians 1:21-30 Matthew 20:1-16   I was watching Ken Burns new multi-part film called “The Roosevelts: An Intimate History” when he was showing the horror of the Great Depression: 30% unemployment. Bread and soup...

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