Installation service of new Presiding Bishop

Bishops here, there, and everywhere! If seeing and hearing our own Bishop Alan Gates wasn’t enough for you, there is another great opportunity just around the corner. Bishop Michael Bruce Curry will be installed as the 27th Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church on November 1 at noon at the...

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Celebration of New Ministry this Tuesday at 7pm

This past year I’ve had occasion to mention that there is a profound difference between a contract God and a covenant God. The contract God, which many were raised with, is the God who forgives us only after we repent and who loves us only after we’ve cleaned up our...

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Sermon–October 4, 2015

Sermon Creation Care Sunday Blessing of the Pets October 4, 2015 William Bradbury Genesis 1:20-25 Psalm Romans 8:18-25 Matthew 6:25-34 Jesus says: “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life….” On the face of it that is a ridiculous statement! For two reasons: first, the mind doesn’t do...

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Fall Planting and Daffodil Donations!

Fall Planting this Sunday, October 11th! All Lower Church School classes will be participating in our Fall Planting event this Sunday, October 11.  This will be a morning full of gardening fun for our students! Parents, please drop your children off in their regular Sunday  morning classroom.  After all children have...

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Sermon–September 27, 2015

Sermon 18 Pentecost—Proper 21-B September 27, 2015 William Bradbury Esther 7:1-6, 9-10; 9:20-22, Psalm 124, James 5:13-20, Mark 9:38-50 They say a picture is worth a thousand words: if you saw any of the coverage of the pope walking among the crowds in Washington, New York, or Philadelphia, then chances are you saw...

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Wolverhampton FAQs

The Wolverhampton Visit FAQs page has been updated with dates, background and opportunities to help make the February visit another great success. And remember that there is a link to the FAQ page at the end of the sidebar which will stick around during the remaining months before arrival day...

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Sermon–September 20, 2015

Sermon 17 Pentecost—Proper 20-B September 20, 2015 William Bradbury Proverbs 31:10-31, Psalm 1, James 3:13-4:3, 7-8a, Mark 9:30-37 Stephanie and I went to see the Broadway musical “The Book of Mormon” in Boston Friday night to celebrate her birthday. I am still processing my reaction to the show, which won 9 Tony awards...

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Blessing of the Pets: Sunday October 4th at 10 AM

From our Priest In Charge On Sunday October 4th we will be celebrating our annual Blessing of the Pets at the 10 am service, as we remember St. Francis and his call to see God’s Presence in all creation. In our busyness we sometimes lose this awareness and even think...

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Sermon–September 13, 2015

Sermon 16 Pentecost—Proper 19-B September 13, 2015 William Bradbury Proverbs 1:20-33 Psalm 19 James 3:1-12 Mark 8:27-38 Fran Tarkenton, famous University of Georgia and NFL Hall of Fame quarterback once said “if you’re not having fun, you’re not doing it right.”

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