“Way of Love” Lenten Calendar
Here’s a link to the Way of Love calendar for Lent… https://episcopalchurch.org/files/documents/wol_lenten_calendar_2020.pdf
Here’s a link to the Way of Love calendar for Lent… https://episcopalchurch.org/files/documents/wol_lenten_calendar_2020.pdf
Read a copy of the newsletter: February Church School Newsletter
We would love your help for making Lenten Pretzels next Sunday. If you can make some dough, that would be great! You can use the recipe HERE. Please leave dough in the kitchen. We will bake them during the 10am service and serve them at coffee hour.
Easter Lily memorials request 2021
Click HERE to RSVP to let us know you are coming, and to pay online for your convenience, go HERE and select YG Pancake Supper from the drop down menu! You are welcome to pay at the door as well!
Epiphany 1: Baptism of Jesus William Bradbury Isaiah 42:1-9, Psalm 29, Acts 10:34-43, Matthew 3:13-17 One of my favorite collects starts this way: “O God…Grant that we may share the divine life of him who humbled himself to share our humanity, your Son Jesus Christ….” Is it possible to share...
All classes will meet at their regular times and places: pre-K thru 4th grade at 9:45am, 5th-12th grade after the 10am service until noon. This Sunday we will be celebrating the Baptism of Eliana Kwagala Nakimera and the children are invited to sit up front by the altar steps with their teachers...