Sermon–September 7, 2014

Sermon 13 Pentecost—Proper 18-A September 7, 2014 William Bradbury       Exodus 12:1-14 Psalm 149 Romans 13:8-14 Matthew 18:15-20 Jesus said, “If another member of the church sins against you…” Two weeks ago we looked at the image of the church as living stones built up and held together...

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Call for Acolytes

Acolyte Master Bob Andrews has provided an information sheet describing some of the basics of what it means to serve as an acolyte, age limits, how to get involved, and more. This is now a page on the website. You should always be able to reach that page by selecting...

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A parade of holy fools?

Friends, On September 4th our lectionary remembers Paul Jones, Bishop and Peace Advocate, who in 1918 was forced to resign as Bishop of Utah because of his pacifism in the midst of World War I. Today most people recognize that war was a disaster in which 16 million died to...

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Annual Welcome Back Cookout, Sunday, Sept 7th

The Sunday after Labor Day, the Parish Life Committee will be hosting the annual Welcome Back cookout. It is the beginning of our church school program year as well as other regular activities that tend to “go on vacation” during the summer. There will be hot dogs, hamburgers, etc. served...

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Church School First Day Will be Sunday, Sept. 7th

Attention All Saints’ Parents: The first day of Church School will be Sunday, September 7th! The Church School Registration form is undergoing an edit but will be available soon to register your children for Church School. For visitors and new members, our Church School is split into two segments: Classes that meet before...

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It’s Time to Register for CHURCH SCHOOL!

We invite all parishioners with children aged 4 -to 10th graders to join us for Church School on Sundays. There is no cost to attend. Register HERE. If you have any questions, please contact the Church School Administrator, Debbie Collins, by choosing “Church School” at our “Contact Us” page.  

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Choir Time

From Maggie Marshall, Minister of Music This cool weather helps us, whether or not we want it to, to think of the fall and switching gears. We have an active music program with four choir rehearsals on Thursday nights. Our vocal choirs start with grade 1 or 2 (as soon...

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Sermon–August 24, 2014

Sermon 11 Pentecost—Proper 16-A August 24, 2014 William Bradbury     Exodus 1:8-2:10 Psalm 124 Romans 12:1-8 Matthew 16:13-20 Richard Rohr says that one of his staff members at the Center for Action and Contemplation has a neighbor in south Albuquerque, who is a devout Catholic: this neighbor attends Mass...

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A Walk in the Park?

Dear Friends in Christ, During my retreat in July at Emery House, which is run by the monks of SSJE, the religious order to which our bishop belongs, I took two afternoon walks in the neighboring Maudslay State Park, which comprises 450 acres overlooking the Merrimack River as it runs...

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