Sermon–November 16, 2014

There is no audio version for this sermon. Sermon 23 Pentecost—Proper 28-A November 16, 2014 William Bradbury   Judges 4:1-7 Psalm 123 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 Matthew 25:14-30 As you know I’m a movie guy so I hate to come into a movie late—even a little bit–and what I refuse to...

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Pie Baking Workshop

Saturday, November 15th, 9 am Calling all pie makers, crust rollers, and apple peelers!! If you can peel apples, mix the filling and/or make pie crusts, or if you have ever wanted to learn how, please join us in the Parish Hall on Saturday, November 15th for our annual pie-baking...

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Upcoming Sunday Forums

The forum for November 30, led by Rev. Bill Bradbury, kicks off the season of Advent. Advent means coming. We generally focus on Jesus’ first coming but today we’ll look at the Second Coming through the eyes of St Paul, whose teaching may surprise us.

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The victory of life is won!

Dear Friends in Christ, Last Saturday the Church gathered to pray good-bye to Tom Shaw, bishop, monk, and friend. The young Sri Lankan man sitting next to me on a back pew of the glorious Trinity Church, Copley Square, had flown in from Washington, D.C. He too had been touched...

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Sermon–November 2, 2014

Sermon All Saints’ Sunday November 2, 2014 William Bradbury   Revelation 7:9-17 Psalm 34:1-10, 22 1 John 3:1-3 Matthew 5:1-12 I always experience a cognitive dissonance on All Saints’ Day. On one hand, we are told in the passage from Revelation that the saints of God are those who “who...

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Calling All Seasonal Singers!

From Maggie Marshall, Minister of Music The Parish Choir welcomes seasonal singers to join us for our 12/14 service of Lessons and Carols and/or Christmas eve at 10p.m. All voice parts welcome! Rehearsals are: Thursdays 11/13, 11/20, 12/4, and 12/11 from 7:45-8:45, and Saturday 12/13 from 1-3p.m. For more information,...

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Sermon–October 26, 2014

Sermon 20 Pentecost—Proper 25-A October 26, 2014 William Bradbury     Deuteronomy 34:1-12 Ps 90:1-6, 13-17 1 Thessalonians 2:1-8 Matthew 22:34-46 Rabbis tell us that there are 613 commandments in their Scriptures—and all 613 come from God, not as a burden, but as a gift—for when we know the mind...

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Sunday Forum 11/2

On November 2, Cina Barker will lead a conversation about saints.  What is a saint?  What do we mean when we say someone is a saint?  What qualities does that imply?  Have you known a saint?  Join us for this timely discussion on All Saints Day.

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