• Dec2021

    Stone Soup News/Afghans In these last few months, as we have watched the exodus from Afghanistan, many of us have been looking for ways to welcome the Afghans who have had to flee their country with nothing but the clothes on their backs. These are people who have worked beside...

  • Oct2021

    Posting a Sermon

    October 17, 2021

    With the Native Church theme there are special types of posts for sermons, which should make posting new sermons easy in comparison to the previous methods. Sign into the website at https://www.allsaintschelmsford.org/wp-login.php. On the left side of the page, there will be a menu option called Sermons. Hover over the...

  • Please print off the form below to submit names for the October 31, 2021 service.  Submissions must be received in the office by Wednesday, Oct. 27th. All Hallow’s Eve Form

  • Sep2021

    Fall, 2021 Service Schedule

    September 19, 2021

    Link to printable version

  • Aug2021

    Link to printable version

  • Jul2021

    Dear Church School Friends- Summer is so busy- we totally understand. :- ) We are cancelling the Movie Night this Saturday- there wasn’t a lot of response, and the weather is predicted to be HOT and HUMID- two conditions that make the Parish Hall unpleasant. I hope you understand. Please...

  • Jun2021
  • Apr2021

    Link to printable version

  • Dear Friends- I hope you are coming to tonight’s Easter Vigil service at 300 Apollo Dr. ( the same parking lot as at Christmas Eve.) Plan to arrive between 7:15-7:30pm. The service starts at 7:30pm. We will be set up a little differently tonight. Instead of hanging the screen on...

  • Mar2021

    You are all invited to join us for Morning Prayer in Zoom each day during Holy Week. The link is in your Sunday email from All Saints, or you can contact the office to have it sent to you. 978-256-5673 or aschurch@allsaintschelmsford.org The service room opens at 7:45am and the...