Upcoming Sunday Forums
On Palm Sunday we will look at the Passion according to Saint Mark. Come join this conversation about who Jesus is for us.
On Palm Sunday we will look at the Passion according to Saint Mark. Come join this conversation about who Jesus is for us.
In this Sunday’s forum, the Endowment Committee will answer the question “Where is God in the Endowment Fund”, as well as provide an explanation of the fund’s beginning, management, and objectives.
The notes (PDF) from the Annual Meeting on 2015-02-08 are available via the following link 150208-ASC-Annual-Meeting-1.pdf. The link has also been added to the Annual Reports page.
Please be advised that All Saints Church will be closed on Sunday, 2/15. There will no no services or other activities. Everyone stay safe and warm!
The 2014 Annual Report and Treasurer’s Report are available using the following links: 2014-Annual-Report.pdf 2014-Treasurers-Report.pdf These links have also been added to the Annual Reports page.
Sunday, February 8th, after the 10am service, we will be holding our annual meeting. At this meeting the parish will have the opportunity to review the annual reports of the various committees, as well as vote for new vestry members and other positions needing to be filled. Finally, the 2014...
This week’s topic is ”Are we Charlie”, led by Matt Hickcox. Reaction to terrorist attacks is changing. Are we finally getting to the point where we can have a meaningful dialog? How has the world’s response to attacks by religious extremists, from 9/11 to the recent attack on French satirical...
The memorial list (PDF) is available via the following link: 2014_Christmas_Memorial_List.pdf
from Matt Hickcox Thank you to everyone who hosted a coffee hour in 2014. We had very few holes on the sign-up sheet over the past 12 months, which goes to shows that we Episcopalians can indeed voluntarily volunteer for things. But 2015 is wide open at this point, particularly...