The Regathering Survey was recently completed and reviewed by Vestry and the Regathering Commission.  The response statistics and some observations are available here for everyone.  Many of the response comments are consolidated and added to the statistical answers where possible.  

Please be aware that Vestry and the Regathering Commission are using the information gathered to influence our planning and decisions.  Our thanks to responders and to everyone for your patience and prayers.

119 responses is a very good representation of the community, and it was important that we received the paper copies from parishioners that are not online.

This question was asked after the first Zoom call.  Results after several Zooms may have been higher.  The YouTube recorded service is popular.  A significant number of parishioners are not attending online services, and many of these do not have computers and/or internet.  The Pastoral Care team is in contact with these folks and a phone access to Zoom has been extended.

This question was asked after the first Zoom call.  Results after several Zooms may have been higher.  Just over 80% of responses say they are participating online and most are happy with either Zoom or YouTube.
+ Zoom: Live, Seeing people
+ YouTube: In the church, View time flexibility, videos during music and announcements
We are finding that all platforms have different strengths.  We are increasing the live Zoom calls to every other week.

This question shows respondents who can are going to continue attending ASC on line.  Most of those that did not answer yes are likely parishioners that answered by mail and are not online.

It is likely that most of the low marks are from people not online.  While a good number show higher ratings, it is obvious that the current service offerings cannot meet everyone’s needs.  1/3 of respondent ratings are 7 or lower.

Many good responses summarized here.  Eucharist and face-to-face contact were mentioned most often.  These responses have driven the addition of Zoom services and the virtual eucharist service.  They also inform us of the desire to regather in person as soon as we can confirm safety.  A number of other concerns listed have been resolved or communicated, and a few are in line to be addressed.

This response suggests it most of those online would appreciate continuing online worship options as we partially and fully regather in person.

Most responses listed online services.  Some pointed to Church School, Choir and other organizational roles.  A fair number mentioned calls and emails from parishioners/Pastoral Care.  

This question was worded somewhat more negatively than intended.  The conditions are mostly accurate, except the Diocese does now have protocols that allow for doing Eucharist.  There might have been a more positive reaction to:  

“If we gather physically before the vaccine there will be a few restrictions: We will all have to wear masks and maintain distancing. There will be instrumental music, just one cantor singing and recorded music. Parishioners will do responses softly, Eucharist will be celebrated carefully sharing the Body per Diocese protocols.  Coffee hour and other group gatherings would remain online.  Would you attend such a regathered service to worship with friends in our church building assuming we can make it safe?”

This question certainly has a variety of answers!  Importantly, 14.5% immediate, plus 22.2% after a time period, plus 10.7% (half) the unknowns, plus 10% from the “other” responses suggests 57.4% of respondents would regather immediately or after some “proof of concept” time.  This response appears to flip the previous question response and adds weight to the wording consideration.

Many good suggestions again!  Some are simply waiting for a vaccine.  Many do offer conditions that would enable regathering such as masks, distancing, limiting singing, following CDC guidelines, etc.  Again, these answers suggest most parishioners will regather.

Many would regather with instrumental and recorded only  a good number more would be OK with one singer.  This question did not make clear that the one singer would be at least 20 feet from anyone else, might wear a “singer’s” mask or might sing live but from another room with a connected microphone.  Some more answered full choir, but is not allowed by Diocese rules at this time.

Since asking this question, the Diocese issued protocols that allow sharing the body in very specific ways.  Those protocols should be mentioned and the question re-asked perhaps.

Removing the majority with no children, only a very few suggest they would allow children to attend church school in person.  Just under Under half said online only and a significant number said don’t know.  The church has limited to no available space to conduct church school given distancing until Spring.

Assuming 1/2 the unknows become yes, then the majority of respondents would bring children to regathered services.  This is in-line with other other question responses.

The responses here may indicate fewer responses from parents of young children and young adults than were received from older parishioners.  


  • The majority of respondents would likely attend a regathered service
  • There are a number of people that are not online and are feeling disconnected
  • Some regathering urgency has been expressed as well as some hesitation
  • Maintaining online options is favored including some investment