Rector: Fr. Sean Maloney
Fr. Maloney, Fr. Sean, or just plain Sean as most people call him, became rector of All Saints’ Church in 2022. He was born in Gary, Indiana and graduated from Indiana University, South Bend with a degree in General Studies. He worked at the Cathedral of Saint James in South Bend, Indiana doing youth ministry. Feeling a call to ordained ministry, he attended seminary at the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee before becoming rector St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church in Corpus Christi, Texas for more than a decade. He and his wife Jessica, a veterinarian at Chelmsford Animal Hospital, live in Chelmsford with their two children.

Choirmaster and Organist:  Dr. John Carlo Pierce

John Carlo Pierce has served faith communities for most of the past 40 years! He took on his first position in his hometown of Springfield, MA as a junior in high school. Since then, he has sung in, directed, and accompanied choirs in most of the places he’s lived. Most recently, he was Director of Music Ministry at Mary, Queen of the Apostles Parish in Salem, MA. John holds degrees in music education and vocal performance from Westfield State University and Eastman School of Music, and the Doctor of Music Arts degree from the University of Connecticut. In addition to his role at All Saints’, John is on the faculty of the Real School of Music.

Parish Administrator: Vicky Marble 

Victoria Marble joined the staff at All Saints’ in the Fall of 2024.  Vicky is responsible for answering phones and responding to messages, generating weekly and special Orders of Service, drafting the E-Bulletin, sending parish wide emails, maintaining office supplies, coordinating facility rentals and hosting visitors and contractors during office hours.


Director of Religious Education:  Laura Marshall
Laura Marshall is both a parishioner and staff member at All Saints. As a parishioner, she has been here since 1999 and has volunteered in many roles, in particular as a Church School leader for over a decade. In the fall of 2017 she was hired as the Director of Religious Education, responsible for the programming for children and youth from pre-k to high school. She graduated from Wesleyan University with degrees in Philosophy and English, and George Mason University with a Masters in Conflict Analysis and Resolution. She and her husband, Steve, live in Chelmsford.

Sexton: Mirna Cunha

Mirna Cunha has been the Sexton at All Saints’ since 2021. She ably keeps the church, chapel, and all other parish buildings prepared for all events including weekday and Sunday worship services, baptisms, confirmations, weddings, and funerals. Among her other important duties at All Saints’ are interments in our Memorial Garden.

Officers and the Vestry

Senior Warden Jen Dowd
Junior Warden Mike Condor

Assistant Treasurer

Cynthia Bennett

Laura Barry

Clerk Kate Blount
Vestry – term ending 2024 Leigh Bilsbury
Marcia Herlihy
Alison Sandoval

Vestry – term ending 2025

Beth-Anne Economou
David Kercher
Joan Thomas
Vestry – term ending 2026 Noah Van Dam
Evan Mettenbrink
Lindsay Hannaford

Delegates – one year term

Venue Representative
Diocesan Convention Dave Kuzara
Edith Parekh
Alternate- Laura Marshall
Merrimack Valley Deanery Joan Thomas
Dan Wilson
Dave Kuzara

Endowment Committee

Role Representative
Chair Steve Marshall
Members David Cahill
Beth Moore
Connie Pawelczak
Sean Seyffert

Nominating Committee

Marcia Herlihy, Alison Sandoval, Leigh Bilsbury
Danielle Wigmore, Bob Andrews
Additional Member to be Announced