Given the Temp predictions…you can stay in your car tonight at the Vigil

Dear Friends-

I hope you are coming to tonight’s Easter Vigil service at 300 Apollo Dr. ( the same parking lot as at Christmas Eve.) Plan to arrive between 7:15-7:30pm. The service starts at 7:30pm.

We will be set up a little differently tonight. Instead of hanging the screen on the building- which was significantly complicated- we have rented a big truck to hang the screen on. We were originally planning on most parishioners sitting in staggered parking lot spaces- but given the temp predictions for a cold night- you can also choose to stay in your car, and be parked behind the sitters.

This might be a good option if you are either concerned about covid contact or just want to stay warm. When you pull into the lot, the usher will ask you which you would like to do- sit in a space or stay in your car. If you want to be sitting outside- dress for the cold and have fun doing it. ;- )

Masks are required. And don’t forget to bring bells to ring, an Easter donation to give if you can, and an open heart ready to worship.

Let me know if you have any questions.

