From the Rector

On Easter Day 2017, All Saints came together to participate in the on-going power of Resurrection in our lives and world. We all know how easy it is to slip into the cynicism that is gripping our country at the moment, so it is a profound act of healing and faith to gather as the Body of Christ to proclaim a different story, a story that starts in the Original Blessing of creation, goes through Israel, then comes to a point in the life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus the Christ. It is this story that frames our lives and transforms the entire cosmos.

Mary Magdalene received a sign of two angelic messengers in the tomb to open her heart to the Risen Christ standing right behind her. All Saints received the sign of Beauty, which was present in music, flowers, liturgy, and the gathered fellowship. This sign opened our hearts to the presence of the Risen Christ in Word, Sacrament, and Community.

I continue to be filled with awe and gratitude for those who use their gifts to make it possible for us to see Christ, and to know him, as the One who is forever with us and for us. Thanks to all of you who worked so hard during The Great Three Days to make our celebration of Resurrection so full of Alleluias!

