The topic for 9/28 is “Practicing the Presence the God”, led by Rev. Bill Bradbury. Everyone knows there is a big difference between sitting in the stands at Gillette Stadium on a Sunday afternoon and actually suiting up and playing in the game. We may not be as clear on the differences between sitting in the pews on a Sunday morning and actually experiencing God in our lives. Using teachings from Brother Lawrence and Richard Rohr, along with Bill’s own struggles, we’ll look at what it might mean to practice the presence of God not just on Sunday but every moment of our lives.
For, 10/5, the topic will be “Dying and the end of life – A practical chapter”, as a follow-on to Lynne Grillo’s forum discussion on 9/21. Please join us for a practical discussion about dying and the end of life. A representative from Blake Funeral Home (whose founder was a parishioner at All Saints’ for many years), will tell us what to expect from a funeral home after the death of a loved one occurs. We will be guided through the steps that occur between the time of death and the funeral or memorial service.