The 2014 TENS Conference
Are you ready to take the next step in stewardship? Are you looking for ways to help your congregation and diocese discover the joyful path of generosity and giving? Join guides and meet companions who will walk along side you in following the Way. Internationally known theologian and author Sister Joan Chittister will be a keynote speaker at the 2014 Conference of the Episcopal Network for Stewardship on June 6 and 7 at Emory University in Atlanta. For registration information please visit:
Live Webcast
The best of the TENS Conference will be webcast, allowing access to the opening worship service, three keynote presentations and four selected workshops. The diocesan development office encourages stewardship ministry teams to gather I parish halls or parishioners’ homes, by deanery at various host sites to view the conference together. We are seeking several representatives to host viewing sites and will offer financial assistance toward registration fees.
Save the date: Fall Stewardship Workshop
Mark your calendars for Saturday, September 6th when the diocesan development and congregational resource offices will host a stewardship workshop designed to help launch or support your fall stewardship campaign. The workshop presenter will be the Rev. Laurel Johnston, Executive Director of The Episcopal Network for Stewardship.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Lynd Matt, Office of Development (617-482-4826, ext 515 or