2014 Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts Deanery Grants

Sending Serving Grants

The Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts awards Sending Serving grant funds to support domestic and international programs that enhance the outreach ministries of congregations through new or existing programs. These programs support the vitality of congregations, youth and urban-ethnic-multicultural ministries. Collaborative projects are encouraged. Grant awards must have a matching funding component.

 In 2014, deaneries may apply for up to $4,000.

 Awarded funds must be matched.

House of Mercy Grants

The Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts awards House of Mercy grant funds to support programs and projects that serve women and children in need.

 In 2014, deaneries may apply for up to $2,400.

 Matching funds are not required for this grant.

Addendum/Supplemental Funds

This year deaneries will be able to submit an addendum to initial grant applications. In the case that all of the deanery grant funds are not expended in the initial round of awards, the leftover funds will be available. Interest in addendum funds and/or projects should be noted in the initial applications from deaneries.

Applications for addendum funds and projects will be considered after October 15, 2014.

New Submission Process This Year

To submit deanery grant requests, please email all information to deanerygrants@diomass.org.

For more information contact the Rev. Karen B. Montagno, Director of Congregational Resources and Training, 617-482-4826 x413 or kmontagno@diomass.org.