June 21 Eucharistic Celebration and Family Picnic: Everyone in the diocesan community is invited to gather for a celebration and commemoration of Bishop Shaw’s ministry. This festive event will take place on June 21, 10:30 a.m.-1 p.m., rain or shine, at the Pinebank Promontory on Jamaica Pond (corner of Perkins Street and the Jamaicaway) in Jamaica Plain, in the City of Boston.
The celebration will include remarks by Bishop Barbara C. Harris, with Bishop Frank Griswold preaching.
• Please let the celebration committee know you plan to attend the June 21 celebration: RSVP at www.diomass.org/camaign-and-giving.
• Bring a picnic lunch to enjoy. Ice cream and beverages will be provided.
• Carpooling and use of public transportation are strongly encouraged; shuttle buses from public transportation will be provided (details will be posted here as they become available).