Barbara C Harris Camp- Check it out!

Summer Camp 2014 Presentation

Alessia Doss, BCH summer camp director, will be joining us at our Adult Forum after the 10 am service on Sunday, January 19th to present all of the exiting happenings of this summer’s re-vamped summer camp program for youth in the Episcopal Diocese of MA.

Parents and children are both encouraged to attend to ask questions and to hear about the many options children have in designing the best summer of their lives. Alessia will have a power point presentation to showcase BCH’s programs and facilities and will then be available for questions. There will be registration materials available for parents to take home with them, or to submit to Alessia for immediate acceptance (with deposit). We hope to see you there!

Visit the BCH website here.

Scholarships are available for summer camp. Families interested should contact Rev. Bill Bradbury or Laura Marshall. You can reach them both through the main church phone number.