As ALL of us know, the parish hall has had one LOUD problem since the hugely successful renovation almost 10 years ago. That problem is SOUND. WAY TOO MUCH SOUND. It’s hard to hear, it’s loud, and makes gatherings in the parish hall much more difficult than they should be.

Well, after many years of living with this, the long-anticipated acoustic solution has been installed! We will never have a library-like space (not with maple floors and wood ceiling and large windows), but the improvement is significant.

I’d like to thank all of those who generously donated to this cause, as it will make gatherings much more pleasant for many years to come, for both parishioners, and all of the many groups who use the space.

In the old space, I’d say THANK YOU!!!

But in the new space, hopefully it comes out with a much more gentle… thank you

Steve Grillo and Susan Gates