From Maggie Marshall, Minister of Music
It is the time of year when the Parish Choir welcomes those who wish to make a short term commitment to the choir. We will be preparing music for our 12/15 Candlelight Service of Lessons and Carols as well as music for Christmas eve’s 10p.m. service. Since Thanksgiving is late this year, and Lessons and Carols is early, we will be starting these seasonal rehearsals on November 21 at 7:45p.m. There will also be a rehearsal on Saturday, December 14 from 12:30-2. This year’s Lessons and Carols will be a bit different since we are joining forces with the choir from Central Congregational Church. We will be a big choir, and it should be a very wonderful sound! Please contact me using the contact form below if you have any questions, or speak to any other choir member.
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